CORE Grant Funding Opportunity
Assistance with Childcare for Children of Restaurant Employees
Funding Opportunity
A CORE grant is a gift of financial support to qualifying food & beverage service employees with children. Every CORE grant is uniquely tailored to a grantee's qualifying circumstances and financial need.
Expenses that CORE grants cover include rent and mortgage, utilities, medical supplies, medical or therapy equipment, therapies, prescriptions, over-the-counter medication, medical travel expenses, funeral expenses, groceries, clothing, and other essential needs a family may need assistance with.
Documentation is required from CORE applicants. Applicant information provided to CORE will remain confidential. CORE reserves the right to determine which circumstances and conditions qualify for financial support and will determine how CORE grant funds are distributed.
If you are interested in applying for a CORE grant, please contact Melanie Nunley at Tifton Housing Authority office at 229-382-5434.